Can you have more than one companion in Fallout 3? Most companions have a Karma requirement and will not join you unless you match it. In Fallout 3 there are a total of eight permanent companions who can join you on your journey through the Wastes and you can have up to two companions following you at the same time, Dogmeat plus either Sergeant R-元 or a human. How many followers can you have in Fallout 3? You receive it after completing ALL of the Operation Anchorage content. The T-51B Winterized Power Armor Earlz was referring to is the strongest armor in the game. Hes the second best follower in the game, imo, next to Fawkes.

Of those two, Jericho is the stronger follower, but even if you want to keep your bad karma and get a good follower, go for Charon in Underworld- no karma requirements for him. They can and will die, which leads to many reloads and grief. Yes, companions are not coded as essential in either Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas.